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Artificial Intelligence and Human Advice

Go Hybrid – Go Bionic.

Customers of financial institutions expect much more today than a few years ago. Their needs, habits, and forms of consumption change day by day at the pace of technological innovations in all areas. They want immediacy, simplicity and personalised advice when they need it.

How can banks and insurance companies meet customers' demands?

Through the lens of Unblu, the leading conversation platform in the financial sector, we will explain how the design and implementation of hybrid "customer journeys" is the path that many financial institutions have taken to provide innovative and relevant experiences for their customers.

We will show you with concrete examples how to implement Artificial Intelligence to help your customers do their daily financial tasks and solve their problems and doubts. All this without forgetting that sometimes technology cannot replace human relations, but instead, must make it more efficient. Especially when customers and advisors need to discuss complex issues or those that can have a greater impact on people's lives.

We look forward to have you join and discuss this topic and show you our latest developments in chatbots, secure instant messaging, video-advisory solutions or collaboration tools such as "Co-Browsing".


  • Unblu
    • How to balance AI and the human touch
    • Live Demo: chatbots, secure instant messaging, video-advisory solutions
  • Sygnity
    • Role in the process of customization and support
    • Value Added Products



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Presented by
Luc Haldimann
Luc Haldimann Co-CEO
View the Recording
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