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unblu sponsors FinTECHTalents 2018 in London

unblu will sponsor FintTECHTalents 2018. The event will take place in London between the 30th and 31st of October. This large-scale tech festival will bring together +2,000 participants to explore new products, strategic partnerships and address a key industry challenge.

During the event, unblu will demo its customer engagement and collaboration suite. Our solution provides banks with technology to enrich the digital experience of their clients by extending their customer’s touch points (chat, video, audio, secure messenger, etc.). The unblu suite also makes it possible to enhance the customer experience by allowing banks to collaborate with their customers in context and on their terms (co-browsing, LiveView, Document Sharing, etc.).

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London, 30-31 October 2018

Here East
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park
E20 3BS

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